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How to add icons instead of words to contact titles (website, email, phone, etc.) in the signature?
How to add icons instead of words to contact titles (website, email, phone, etc.) in the signature?
Iren avatar
Written by Iren
Updated over a month ago

Would you like to add icons to your signature instead of text for contact information like website, email, and phone number? If so, please follow these steps:

​Step 1.
In the General tab in the signature editor, find the Contacts section.

​​Step 2.
In the contact field title, click the Emoji icon.

Step 3.
Choose the icon from the list by clicking on it.

Step 4.

Click Save signature button to save the changes.

If you need any other help, please get in touch with our Support Team via live chat or email or check out more of our articles here. We are always happy to help!

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