Do you want a professional and brand-compliant signature for your emails for free? Then, you are in the right place. With MySignature, you can create one professionally designed free email signature.
To start, please create an account and follow these steps:
Step 1.
After signing up, you will be redirected to the Main Dashboard. To create your first signature, click Create signature button.
Or you can open the Signatures tab and click Create signature button there.
Step 2.
In a new window, click the Start from scratch button or choose any design from our ready-made templates.
Note: The designs in our ready-made templates are all PRO, but if you find one that looks perfect, you can upgrade your account to a Professional level to use them.
Step 3.
Then, in the General tab, type your personal information, such as name, company, position, and department. Then click Add field + button and add your contact details.
Step 4.
Using the Images tab, upload your company logo or personal image by clicking Upload image, then choose its size, radius, and width.
Note: The Image URL feature and banner feature are PRO. If you need them, please upgrade to the Professional level.
Step 5.
Next, you can select the social media pages you use most often in the Social tab and would love to promote them in your signature.
Note: Please ensure you provide the right URLs to social media profiles.
Upgrade to the Professional level if you want to upload custom social icons.
Step 6.
Go to the Addons tab and add other signature elements such as Sign off, Disclaimer, Green message, etc., if preferred.
Note: Some addons are PRO, but if you find them perfect for your signature, please upgrade your account to the Professional level.
Step 7.
Then, choose the best-suitable layout options in the Design tab, such as:
font family
font size;
template color;
text color;
social icons design, etc.
Note: Some fonts, templates color, text color and custom field styles are PRO, but if you find them perfect for your signature, please upgrade your account to the Professional level.
Step 8.
If you want to change the signature template, please go to the Templates tab.
Note: Most templates are PRO. You must upgrade your account to the Professional level to use PRO templates.
Step 9.
You can improve your signature with our AI Assistant by clicking Improve your signature with AI button and Apply changes.
Note: You have three attempts to choose the design recommended by our AI Assistant. Our AI Assistant gives you three variants of the recommended signature designs on each attempt.
Step 10.
Click Save signature button to save your signature.
Step 11.
Next, click Back to editor if you forget to add some information or Copy to clipboard to copy your signature for installation.
Note: If you added any PRO features to your free signature, click Back to free button or upgrade your account to the Professional level.
Step 12.
After you have created and saved your signature, finish its installation. Please refer to our Knowledge Base for the installation guides.
That's it! After installing the signature in the email client or app, your signature with our branding line will appear in every email you send.